Programa de afiliados Forex fácil de ganhar.
Use um canal poderoso para gerar sua renda.
Afiliado da Web.
Atrair novos usuários para o nosso serviço e ganhar 60% de todas as outras receitas da nossa empresa. Os pagamentos são em média 3-5 USD por LOT (depende da empresa de corretagem selecionada por um cliente). Os principais benefícios do nosso programa são os seguintes:
Um registro no nosso site oferece acesso a mais de 20 corretores conhecidos. Possibilidade de ganhar em clientes já existentes de uma corretora. Banners e páginas promocionais prontos para uso. Não há limitações geográficas (aceitamos o tráfego da Web de qualquer país não autorizado)
O modelo fornecido se adequa melhor aos proprietários de sites e comerciantes on-line. Isso funciona bem entre os clientes que já estão familiarizados com o comércio de Forex e possuem uma conta de corretagem. O modelo pode ser ativado por padrão após o registro em um programa de afiliados Forex.
Introduzindo Broker.
Comece a trabalhar como um Broker de Introdução para uma das nossas empresas de corretagem em parceria e tenha a oportunidade de atrair clientes com nossa poderosa ferramenta de marketing - Copy Trader.
O modelo fornecido é o melhor para vendedores off-line, treinadores de Forex e empresas educativas que desenvolvem habilidades de cliente a partir do zero.
Entre em contato para mais informações e detalhes de configuração.
High & amp; Pagamentos competitivos Produto que adiciona um valor especial aos clientes. Ciclo de vida longo dos usuários ativos. Alto volume de negociação devido à conexão com várias estratégias automáticas ao mesmo tempo. Possibilidade de ganhar uma receita potencialmente ilimitada. Retirada imediata de fundos para um cartão de caixa eletrônico ou conta bancária.
Perguntas frequentes das afiliadas.
MyDigiTrade de propriedade e operado pela Larmond Capital Ltd.
Disclaimer: A troca de câmbio ("Forex"), futuros de commodities, opções, CFDs e SpreadBetting na margem traz um alto nível de risco e pode não ser adequado para todos os investidores. Antes de decidir trocar câmbio ("Forex"), futuros de commodities, opções, CFDs ou SpreadBetting, você deve considerar cuidadosamente seus objetivos monetários, nível de experiência e apetite de risco. Existe a possibilidade de que você possa sustentar a perda de alguns ou todos os seus fundos depositados e, portanto, você não deve especular com o capital que não pode perder. Você deve estar ciente de todos os riscos associados à troca de divisas, Futuros de commodities, opções, CFDs e SpreadBetting trading, e procurar o aconselhamento de um consultor independente se tiver dúvidas. Os retornos passados não são indicativos de resultados futuros.
ideias de nicho de Forex
Quando eu trabalhava em uma loja de roupas, sonhando em ganhar a vida pela internet, lembro-me de uma coisa que realmente me manteve motivada era ler histórias de sucesso de outras pessoas. Só saber que alguém, em algum lugar estava fazendo exatamente o que eu queria fazer, era o suficiente para me manter no horário.
No início do ano, compartilhei um exemplo de duas mães com mais de $ 5k / m online. Hoje eu quero compartilhar outro estudo de caso com você e revelar como um cara na Nova Zelândia está fazendo até US $ 10.000 a cada mês no setor de Forex, uma das indústrias mais rentáveis e competitivas on-line.
Seu nome é Cam e ele estava mais do que disposto a compartilhar algumas de suas idéias na esperança de que você seja inspirado para criar sua própria história de sucesso e obter algumas idéias novas no processo.
Tenho certeza de que você só quer que eu entre diretamente na entrevista, então nós vamos e # 8230;
& # 8220; Quanto tempo você está ganhando dinheiro online? Como você começou? & # 8221;
Eu tenho feito dinheiro online há cerca de 4 anos. É uma longa história e # 8230; e com toda a honestidade eu coloquei-o realmente. Eu estava jogando golfe em um evento de trabalho ao lado de um cara que era meu gerente de conta em uma empresa de publicidade. Ele estava contando a história de seu ex-colega (com quem eu tinha tratado anteriormente) e como ele havia feito seu primeiro milhão de futuros comerciais depois de apenas 6 meses de deixar seu emprego! Eu decidi descobrir como esse cara conseguiu fazê-lo e fez um esforço para entrar em contato com ele.
Ele foi muito obrigado e me deu alguns links para os cursos que ele havia feito e o caminho que ele havia tomado. Eu tive que pegar um "salto de fé" de US $ 1.000 para comprar um dos cursos recomendados e passou os próximos 6 meses aprendendo como negociar. Coloquei o curso no meu iPod e ouvi-o no ônibus a maioria dos dias. Então, uma viagem de ônibus para o trabalho pensei em mim: "Eu me pergunto quantos mais desses cursos estão por aí e quão bom seria se as pessoas pudessem compará-los online?"
Excitado pela minha nova ideia, fiz uma rápida pesquisa no Google quando eu consegui trabalhar e para meu espanto onde centenas, senão milhares e # 8230; e a cereja no topo do bolo era que eles me pagariam comissão se eu encaminhar as pessoas para seus sites para comprar seus produtos. Então embarquei na construção do meu primeiro site afiliado, um site de revisão do sistema de negociação, chamado Trading Systems Rated.
A maioria dos comerciantes que conheço sofreram várias falhas antes de encontrar algo que funcione. Isso aconteceu com você? # 8221;
Meu primeiro empreendimento em linha foi uma falha completa e desperdiçou 6 meses do meu tempo. Pouco depois do nascimento do meu primeiro filho, minha esposa me comprou o livro # 8216; Rich Dad Poor Dad & # 8217 ;. Depois de lê-lo em cerca de 2 dias (que é cerca de 2 meses mais curto que a maioria dos livros que eu li), decidi registrar um negócio em preparação para fazer meus milhões. Uma ideia veio até mim um mês depois. Eu ia criar uma rede social especificamente para os vizinhos (isto era antes do sucesso do Facebook no grande momento).
Passei os próximos seis meses construindo o KnowMyNeighbour a partir do zero e lançou-o com um fizzle. Então, depois de perceber que eu realmente não queria me conectar com meus vizinhos e não haveria dinheiro nisso, a menos que eu tivesse milhões de visitantes, eu decidi puxá-lo para baixo e # 8230, nunca mais ser mencionado novamente!
& # 8220; Por que você decidiu se concentrar no mercado Forex? & # 8221;
Depois de ter sucesso no mercado geral do sistema de negociação, pude ver que os produtos Forex eram os mais prevalentes e tinham baixas barreiras à entrada para os consumidores. Quase todo lançamento de produto era um produto Forex de alguma variedade de sistemas manuais a sistemas automatizados e quase todos eles tinham programas de afiliados ou de referência que eram fáceis de se inscrever. Fiquei viciado quando comecei a negociar Forex ao mesmo tempo.
& # 8220; Você poderia nos contar mais sobre um dos seus principais sites de ganhos, ForexReviewsRated? & # 8221;
ForexReviewsRated existe há quase 3 anos e analisa todos os tipos de produtos de negociação Forex de sistemas para sinais e robôs comerciais automatizados. Ele tem foco em robôs comerciais onde eu executo testes de demonstração no que chamo de "Forex Lab". Se eles fizerem o grau, eu vou testá-los na minha conta ao vivo e se eu sentir que sua relação risco / recompensa é boa e que eles serão rentáveis a longo prazo, eles se tornam "Graduados".
Recebo cerca de 15-18 mil visitas por mês (8-9000 visitantes únicos) com a maior parte do tráfego (73%) provenientes de buscadores e a maioria do Google. O tráfego restante é uma divisão entre sites diretos e referentes. Eu também tenho uma lista de e-mail ativa que gera alguns pontos positivos no tráfego e na receita. O site gera entre US $ 3.000 e US $ 10.000 por mês. Geralmente é em torno da marca de US $ 5.000 e isso vem de uma variedade de fontes com a maioria de comissões de afiliados.
Inicialmente, começou a ganhar dinheiro com o Google Adsense (que eu não uso mais) dentro de uma semana e de comissões de afiliados nas primeiras 3 semanas. Meus primeiros sites (TradingSystemsRated e StockBrokersRated) eram aproximadamente os mesmos.
& # 8220; Que software você está usando para executar o site de revisão? & # 8221;
Experimentei cerca de 4 diferentes plugins de revisão do WordPress e achei que o WPReviewEngine, embora custasse dinheiro, era exatamente o que eu precisava. Parecia funcionar melhor com sites afiliados do que outros plugins gratuitos.
Eu levei um pouco para entender minha forma de personalizá-lo, mas uma vez que você teste algumas coisas, logo se torna óbvio. Seu apoio é realmente bom e eles me ajudaram quando eu precisava integrá-lo com o meu tema. Acabei movendo meu site de sistemas de negociação para o WordPress e usei o plugin WPReviewEngine. Se eu já começar outro site de revisão no futuro, isso certamente será na minha lista de plugins.
Nota de Glen: Conheço algumas das pessoas por trás do plugin, perguntando se eles ofereceriam um desconto para os leitores da ViperChill que possam estar interessados em iniciar seu próprio site de revisão. Embora eles já estejam executando um especial de 30% para o Natal, eles gentilmente criaram o código de cupom & # 8216; ViperChill & # 8217; que levará 50% de desconto no preço do seu pedido nas próximas 72 horas.
& # 8220; Como você está dirigindo o tráfego para sua rede? & # 8221;
Eu fiz todas as coisas no passado e alguns funcionam bem por um curto período de tempo, mas, a longo prazo, são as coisas que faço agora:
Coloque boas e valiosas informações, pois isso irá obter links de sites que você normalmente não poderia obter links. Tudo isso ajuda com seus rankings de pesquisa. Siga as tendências. Se você vir um tópico específico de interesse, escreva uma postagem sobre isso. Isso também ajuda com o tráfego de pesquisa. Inicie uma lista de e-mail. Este é um trânsito garantido e deve ser o seu principal objetivo no início. Sempre responda aos e-mails que você recebe através do site. Essas pessoas podem começar a comentar seu blog ou publicar links para o seu blog em outros blogs / fóruns populares. Hoje em dia, posso escrever uma publicação bastante rápida e suja e espero que meus regulares revelem o produto para mim e adicionem comentários que o Google e outros visitantes adoram.
& # 8220; Quando você trabalha para si mesmo, pode ser difícil parar & # 8217; às vezes. O que o mantém motivado? & # 8221;
Isso ajuda a ter um interesse em seu nicho. O mercado FX tem tantas dimensões que sempre há algo para me interessar. Cinco coisas que me motivam são:
1. Definir metas de curto prazo que são divertidas para alcançar. Alguns dos meus foram: uma semana de US $ 1.000 através do Clickbank e uma casa cheia de Clickbank, onde não há $ 0 bares (isso significa que você fez uma venda todos os dias nas últimas duas semanas) - Eu consegui ambos estes ao mesmo tempo engraçado suficiente.
2. Definição de objetivos aparentemente impossíveis, e. pague minha hipoteca em dois anos, obtenha 50 mil assinantes na minha lista em um ano, ganhe US $ 10.000 em um dia.
3. Lendo livros escritos por aqueles que já fizeram isso, e. Semana de trabalho de 4 horas por Tim Ferris.
4. Procurando uma oportunidade de fazer as coisas melhor, p. tentando coisas no site para ver se algo funciona melhor ou criar outras ideias do site e levá-las ao mercado (outro site meu é ForexDealDay um site de negócios de um dia para produtos Forex)
5. Construir relacionamentos com outros na indústria e aqueles que têm interesses comuns, p. Eu recentemente fiz uma parceria com um veterano Forex de 17 anos da África do Sul e agora estamos vendendo seu sistema chamado ForexPipMagnet usando a marca e a reputação que criei no meu site de revisão.
O meu impulso vem da leitura de livros que ajudam a mudar sua perspectiva e dar-lhe foco como "A ciência de ficar rico" por Wallace G Wattle e "O segredo". Acho que é um pouco como um videogame onde você é o jogador. Quanto mais você entra no jogo, mais emocionante e viciante fica. Você chega ao palco onde você simplesmente não pode obter o suficiente!
& # 8220; Que conselho você daria aos leitores da ViperChill que talvez não estejam a ver os resultados que eles esperavam dos seus esforços de marketing na internet? & # 8221;
Sempre pense em longo prazo. Pergunte a si mesmo esta pergunta: Você está fornecendo um valor exclusivo real para seus visitantes / assinantes? Há sempre uma maneira mais barata e rápida de fazer tudo. Se você sabe disso, você encontrará o caminho. Isso acontece comigo o tempo todo. Uma alternativa melhor se apresenta de fora, mesmo quando não estou procurando por ela. Seu pior dia pode ser seguido pelo seu melhor dia. Mesmo se você teve seu pior dia de visitantes / vendas em idades, amanhã pode ser o seu melhor. Isso também acontece comigo o tempo todo. Assine todas as listas que você pode em seu nicho e aprenda com o que os outros estão fazendo. Apontar alto. Se você quer ganhar US $ 1.000 por semana, apontar para $ 10.000 em vez disso.
Meus pensamentos.
Qualquer um que obtenha atualizações de nicho de nuvem grátis saberá que eu enviei e-mails sobre a & # 8216; revisão & # 8217; sites antes e explicou por que eles são tão eficazes. Esse tipo de sites pode ganhar muito dinheiro com pouco tráfego porque você está interceptando uma venda antes que alguém realmente compre algo.
A pessoa provavelmente já estará no modo de compra e apenas quer ver o que outras pessoas têm a dizer sobre sua compra potencial. Se eles tropeçam em um site que o recomenda (ou um produto relacionado), então existe uma grande chance de que eles façam uma compra, ganhando dinheiro por meio de links de afiliados.
Lembro-me de sites de revisão em torno de quando eu comecei em 2005 e ainda vejo eles ganharem muito dinheiro para as pessoas em 2018, demonstrando ainda mais o quão eficazes podem ser. A razão pela qual o formato de revisão particular (produtos de classificação um contra o outro) funciona tão bem é porque quando você gasta dinheiro, deseja obter o melhor produto. Se eu estiver procurando comentários de uma determinada empresa de hospedagem, mas alguém está me mostrando por que uma empresa diferente é melhor, eu provavelmente irei com a nova opção.
Se você estiver procurando por um estilo de site afiliado para construir, um site de revisão parece ser uma boa opção. Como eles geralmente são executados no topo do WordPress, ele é fácil de adicionar conteúdo original e fresco ao seu site também. Acho que a Cam concordará comigo que o foco do laser em assinantes de e-mail e vendas de afiliados significa que eles sempre serão os sites mais bonitos, mas podem gerar incríveis taxas de conversão.
Agradecimentos especiais à Cam por ter demorado para compartilhar o que está funcionando para ele! Espero que todos tenham gostado da postagem.
P. S. Nós recentemente tivemos algumas discussões interessantes na página do Facebook ViperChill ultimamente, então certifique-se de clicar em # 8216; Gosto de & # 8217; se você quiser se envolver. Na segunda-feira, perguntei como as pessoas estavam planejando mudar suas táticas de marketing em 2018 e eu pessoalmente aprendi muito com o feedback. Agradecimentos como sempre pelo seu apoio!
99 Comentários.
Hah, você é o novo Alex 😉
Eu vi isso como postou no Facebook e não consegui resistir. Entrevista agradável com 🙂 doce desconto em um bom plugin.
Obrigado, cara. Te vejo em algumas semanas!
Parece ruim, mas eu gosto de ler que outros tiveram falhas antes que tivessem sucesso. Eu acho que isso significa que ainda é tempo para eu fazer minha fortuna!
Se isso ajudar, você ficará feliz em saber que eu tenho muitos sites mais falhados do que os bem sucedidos 😉
E sim, é claro que existe.
Suas entrevistas com outros comerciantes do internet me deixam motivado 🙂
É bom ouvir Owais!
Aproveitando estas Glen, mas gostaria de ver mais do que não associar ao MMO.
Eu realmente não poderia colocar o Forex nessa categoria (especialmente porque a Cam também é um comerciante), mas o seu feedback é notado. Obrigado!
Quando você está começando, é difícil saber quem exatamente está fazendo algum dinheiro e quem está sobrecarregando seus ganhos para lhe vender um pouco de mercadoria, um produto reashed. Quando você encontra aqueles que estão ganhando dinheiro, isso pode inspirar você para o próximo nível, com certeza. Bom artigo e obrigado pelo cupom de 50%.
Obrigado pelo comentário!
Grande mercado e um ótimo modelo de negócios e # 8211; Não é de admirar que ele esteja bem!
Obrigado por compartilhar esta entrevista. Eu gosto especialmente da idéia de definir metas pequenas e mensuráveis ao mesmo tempo que verdadeiramente audaciosas e # 8211; torna a coisa toda mais divertida, com certeza 🙂
Obrigado por compartilhar!
É bom ver você por aqui e # 8230, faz um tempo!
Eu aprecio muito esta publicação porque a maioria de nós luta para monetizar nossos domínios.
Mas postagens como esta nos fazem não desistir e continuar tentando!
Obrigado por este Glen & # 8230;
Você é bem-vindo. Cam forneceu algumas ótimas respostas!
Ainda tenho algumas perguntas específicas para você na seção do fórum.
Eu apreciarei suas diretrizes quando você puder encontrar algum tempo livre ...
Entrevista impressionante. É realmente ótimo ver estudos de caso como este, que não estão associados ao MMO ou ao nicho de IM.
Obrigado por compartilhar e ter um ótimo dia.
Haven não viu você aqui há algum tempo. Obrigado homem!
Obrigado por compartilhar este relatório de caso. Eu gosto da abordagem diferente que ele tomou com seu modelo de negócios (do tipo de site para seus fluxos de renda). Fiquei surpreso com a renda que ele estava gerando com esse tráfego.
Sim, uma das grandes coisas sobre esse tipo de site é que eles se convertem muito bem, então o número de visitantes não precisa ser tão alto. Claro, o tráfego também está bem visado 🙂
Obrigado pelo comentário!
Eu sou o desenvolvedor do Pip Magnet do qual ele fala no artigo # 8211; Como eu vim a estar em um JV com Cam é devido a sua vontade de ganhar # 8211; ele me enviou um e-mail vendendo alguns ou outros # 8211; Enviei-lhe uma resposta dizendo - & # 8220; a minha é a coisa real & # 8221; eu uso isso e ganhei dinheiro # 8211; Dentro de 24 horas, o jv foi estabelecido & # 8211; Isso vai direto para o topo & # 8211; sua integridade e honestidade embora milhares de quilômetros de distância é a mercadoria escassa que me motiva em coisas maiores # 8211; Veja seus anúncios e veja-me colocar a ação na palavra. Cam eu vejo minha associação com você como o início de grandes coisas.
Um amigo passou para Cam e posso concordar com a sua & # 8216; integridade & # 8217; comentários. Ele está claramente tentando devolver o que eu realmente gosto de ver.
Boa sorte com seu projeto!
Eu acabei de falar com meu parceiro de negócios sobre alguns dos nossos # 8220; obsoletos & # 8221; reveja os sites e comprará o plug-in. Obrigado pelas dicas e pelo cupom.
Estudo de caso impressionante, é sempre tão refrescante para ver outras pessoas ganharem dinheiro em nichos além da IM.
Eu vi alguns desses sites de tipo de revisão que estão fazendo um banco sério. O plugin wpreview parece ser uma pequena ferramenta habilidosa para quem faz sites de revisão. Eu estou pensando em adicionar uma página de tipo de revisão ao meu blog com produtos de desenvolvimento pessoal.
Obrigado pelo desconto no plugin, bom negócio por US $ 50.
Finalmente, você conseguiu comentar, hein? 😉
Peça sólida e agradeço a dica em um bom aplicativo de revisão do WordPress. Iniciando maneiras de integrá-lo o mais rápido possível!
Obrigado parceiro. Deixe-me saber o que você acaba fazendo 🙂
Na verdade, estou no processo de olhar para tentar renovar um dos meus sites de revisão, de modo que o plug-in pode ser exatamente o que eu preciso!
Obrigado pela mudança de posição de ritmo!
É sempre bom misturar um pouco.
Boa sorte com seus empreendimentos 🙂
isso é ótimo se houver um & # 8220; real & # 8221; site forex por aí como provavelmente é um dos nichos mais escandalosos / overhyped fora do IM há. A maioria dessas coisas do Forex é um lixo puro e a maioria desses robôs forex não são rentáveis no dinheiro do mundo real, de modo que é bom se o site adiciona valor real com alguém que realmente negocia.
Obrigado por esta postagem convidada Glen (e Cam). É muito encorajador quando você oferece a oportunidade de entender como aqueles um pouco mais ao longo da curva estão tendo sucesso.
Você, Jeff,
Obrigado pelo comentário!
Eu adoro esta publicação. Adoro ler histórias de sucesso.
Estou muito interessado em sites de revisão. É engraçado porque hoje eu trabalhei com um cliente que tenha um site de revisão e não conheça como monetizá-lo. Louco.
Hah, essa é uma estranha coincidência.
Espero que tudo esteja bem Cristina 🙂
Estou com você. Eu adoro histórias inspiradoras. Isso é o que me mantém motivado.
Obrigado pelo comentário!
10K / mês é o meu sonho, o maior sonho. Impressionante.
Estudo de caso agradável. É uma entrevista bastante longa, Glen, obrigado por compartilhar isso conosco. Infelizmente, eu não estou no nicho de Forex. Ainda assim, existem tantas estratégias na entrevista que eu posso implementar para o meu nicho!
Eu também não, mas eu concordo que é bom ver e sempre recebo algumas pequenas informações de informações para me ajudar nas indústrias onde eu trabalho.
Obrigado pelo comentário Mas.
Glenn, este é um artigo realmente refrescante para mim. Na verdade, não estou executando um site de revisão, mas talvez eu tenha que incorporar uma página de revisão no meu blog. Gosto do tema do seu blog.
Bom artigo Glen, eu não sabia que havia tanto dinheiro apenas nos comentários do Forex Niche. Eu sou da Índia, e nosso jornal on-line número um TimesOfIndia promove fortemente o comércio de moeda estrangeira iForex através de seu portal de notícias.
Hah que é muito interessante. Eu me pergunto se ele funciona melhor do que outros mercados ou eles apenas receberam um patrocinador específico.
Olá Glenn, só quero agradecer pelo cupom, funciona!
Não há problema Rosetta 🙂
Oi & # 8211; Boa postagem, obrigado.
Seria bom saber:
1) Se a cam também é comerciante e # 8211; Eu assumindo assim.
2) Se a cam realmente comprar todos os produtos, ele revisa.
E para o interesse pessoal & # 8211; Quais foram os cursos comerciais que seu amigo recomendou no início da postagem foram? # 8211; por exemplo. & # 8221; Eu tive que tirar um "salto de fé" de US $ 1.000 para comprar um dos seus cursos recomendados e # 8221;
Cam diz que ele é comerciante sim, mas não tenho certeza sobre a segunda pergunta. Vou enviar-lhe um e-mail agora e, espero, ele possa voltar para você 🙂
Obrigado pelo comentário!
Muito satisfeito em ouvir este artigo é de ajuda para as pessoas # 8230; Este é o tipo de coisa que eu uso para me inspirar sozinho! Quem pensou alguns anos depois seria sobre mim 🙂
Simon, em resposta às suas perguntas:
& # 8211; Eu uso para comprar muitos dos produtos que revisei, especialmente os que pareciam promissores. Agora eu tenho uma boa reputação na indústria que recebo a maioria deles para revisar gratuitamente. Alguns antes do lançamento e algum lançamento posterior.
& # 8211; O revendedor do curso que me iniciou já foi declarado falido e # 8230; Eu sei disso porque eu me tornei seu afiliado e vendi alguns dos cursos eu mesmo # 8230; e ele ainda me deve alguma comissão. 🙁 De qualquer forma, o curso foi feito por um rapaz chamado Kim Reily & # 8230; e ser justo é um pouco desatualizado agora. Não tenho certeza se ainda está disponível.
Ah, e sim, troco diariamente & # 8230; principalmente negociação automatizada como a execução de vários sites leva um pouco de tempo 😉
Obrigado pelas respostas Cam!
Cam, foi ótimo ler sobre um colega Kiwi que viu o sucesso dos negócios on-line. Sua entrevista também me deu algumas idéias sobre como expandir alguns outros sites de nicho que eu agradeço!
Desejo-lhe sucesso contínuo com seus empreendimentos.
E graças a Glen por publicar esta entrevista. Adoro ler estudos de caso e recolher novas ideias do que já está funcionando para outros.
Outra boa publicação e estudo de caso sobre como você pode ter um grande sucesso online!
Sempre me disseram para tentar e um vazio do nicho Forex? Obviamente, Campbell está matando!
Quais são seus pensamentos?
Obrigado pela entrevista. No entanto, acho que fornece muito pouco valor, já que muitas questões permanecem sem resposta. Especialmente quando ele fala sobre as partes, como ele promove seu site, seria interessante COMO ele está fazendo as coisas. COMO ele está se aproximando dos especialistas da indústria, COMO ele começa uma joint venture, QUAIS são os principais fatos a considerar, etc.
Obviamente, é bom ler como alguém faz 10k / mo e um pouco motivador também. Se esse "único objetivo" deste post, então é totalmente bom. MAS, se você estiver um pouco no mercado da Internet, leu o mesmo tipo de dicas uma e outra vez, porque essas dicas apenas funcionam, não há atalho. No entanto, seria muito interessante ter um vislumbre por trás dessas frases padrão, por exemplo, perguntando: como se parece com o seu dia do marketing na internet? Quais ferramentas você usa para estruturar seu conteúdo / contatos? E muito mais & # 8230;
Mas, como eu disse, provavelmente essa não foi a finalidade desta publicação. Estou praticamente lendo como as pessoas ganham x quantidade de dinheiro, pois eu, eu mesmo, posso finalmente viver da minha receita de marketing na Internet. Quero saber como funcionam outros profissionais de marketing, mas isso provavelmente não pode ser abordado em uma entrevista.
Mas, honestamente, Glen, isso é culpa sua. Com suas próprias postagens em profundidade, você configura a escada tão alto que se torna muito difícil competir com você mesmo 🙂
Apenas um FYI, mas peguei isso em spam, então você pode querer enviar um email para o Akismet.
Obviamente eu não concordo com o & # 8216; muito pouco valor & # 8217; Comentar desde que eu pessoalmente tenha ficado um pouco fora disso e parece que não estou sozinho, mas não vou entrar nisso. Por que não propõe algumas perguntas que você deseja fazer? A Cam já postou nos comentários aqui com respostas a perguntas de outras pessoas e # 8230;
Sempre haverá algo que sinto falta 🙂
Sempre é ótimo ler estudos de caso como este. Isso realmente ajuda com a motivação e parece que sempre que eu lê um estudo de caso sobre alguém que faz grandes dólares on-line faz-me funcionar duas vezes mais difícil naquele dia / semana.
Então mantenha-os próximos 🙂
Vai fazer! Obrigado pelo comentário 🙂
Obrigado pelo comentário. Eu acho que isso dependeria de quem disse isso para você e porque eles disseram isso.
É um dos maiores (e mais rentáveis) nichos on-line, então não há motivo para eu descontá-lo pessoalmente. Eu estou ocupado o bastante, pois é 😉
Obrigado por compartilhar esta entrevista. Eu gosto especialmente desta parte: "Apenas sabendo que alguém, em algum lugar estava fazendo exatamente o que eu queria fazer, era o suficiente para me manter nas horas." # 8221; É o mesmo que me mantém a caminho.
Você é muito bem-vindo. Obrigado pelo comentário!
Boa postagem. Uma boa entrevista é muitas vezes sobre fazer as perguntas certas, então eu fico feliz em ver este é o caso aqui. Eu gosto especialmente da parte sobre a motivação, neste tipo de indústria às vezes é fácil saber exatamente como fazer algo, mas não tem a motivação para que isso aconteça!
A motivação é um grande interesse para mim, por isso estou sempre curioso sobre as respostas das outras pessoas.
Este estudo de caso me motivou a continuar meu empreendimento online. A partir desse momento, meu objetivo é ganhar pelo menos US $ 10 por dia (pelo menos eu ganho) da GA e no próximo ano, meu alvo é 10 vezes o atual e seria $ 100 ao dia combinando GA e clicando em banco e eu Desejo que eu tenha sucesso com esse pequeno alvo em mente.
Fico feliz em saber que isso o inspirou. Boa sorte!
Olá, glen, pare de fazer isso e.
Me desculpe, mas não tenho certeza de como ajudá-lo pessoalmente. Eu sei que você é um comentador regular aqui, então espero que tudo esteja bem.
Tenho twittou o link para você com a esperança de encontrar alguém que possa lhe dar o que você está procurando & # 8230;
Eu acho que a parte mais interessante sobre este artigo é o estigma que o FOREX tem como um & # 8220; spammer & # 8221; comunidade, e aqui está uma história que realmente fornece uma necessidade de pessoas, valor real. Isso vale algo!
Glen, muito inspirador ... os sites de revisão funcionam porque o tráfego começa quase pronto para comprar ou o tráfego que está pronto para comprar. O tráfego de compra da compra. Isso deu algumas idéias para revisar sites e tópicos.
Impressionante! Boa sorte MK.
Great Glen Glen!
Algo um pouco diferente do que você normalmente escreveria sobre 🙂
Sim, como eu disse acima, # 8230; é bom misturar as coisas de vez em quando 🙂
Espero que tudo esteja bem # 8230;
Seguindo o seu blog. Impressionante.
Eu vi o seu Cloud Blueprint, e estou começando a implementar suas idéias.
Eu sei que vou aprender mais de agir do que qualquer coisa, então eu não quero perguntar-lhe sobre o que é a maneira perfeita de conseguir isso ou aquilo (assinantes, etc.) & # 8221 ;. Você já deu toneladas de valor na série de vídeos :), e agradeço por isso.
No entanto, eu gostaria de lhe fazer estas duas perguntas:
1) Você realmente acha que a venda no primeiro e-mail é uma má idéia?
2) Como você fez isso (compartilhar a caixa Love vs subscribe) no final? É um plugin do WordPress?
Eu gosto deste post. Atingiu meu interesse nos mercados de Forex.
Este estudo de caso é muito interessante. Excelente idéia, forex é um dos nichos mais excelentes, mas muito competitivo. Eu estava no forex há 3 anos e saber que as pessoas gastarão dólares por um sistema. Sua idéia parece boa no outro nicho. Talvez eu não devesse deixar estes voar até amanhã.
Obrigado pela postagem interessante Glen, e Cam pela idéia. Felicidades!
Só quero dizer, apesar de ter lido o suficiente de suas postagens para reconhecê-lo, não quer pessoas que o tratem estranho, você é o tipo de pessoa em que eu quero ser quando eu / # 8217; m sua idade.
Eu fiz o meu primeiro site MFA (crappy) quando eu tinha 15 anos, mas recentemente eu estava procurando ganhar dinheiro corretamente desde que comecei a viajar pelo mundo e # 8211; Tenho que tornar-se auto-suficiente dentro de 4-5 meses ou o dinheiro se esgota & # 8230; motivação tão incrivel!
Só quero dizer que você junto com talvez 4-5 outras pessoas / sites me forneçam uma boa informação que me faz saber apenas ter sucesso ... não apenas ganhar dinheiro com as coisas, mas a mentalidade necessária. Eu só sei que vou ganhar dinheiro e viver a vida dos meus sonhos.
Muito obrigado por muitas de suas postagens. Eles eram informativos e úteis,
Você já recebeu Jonny,
Muito obrigado por esse comentário. Isso me faz fazer isso 🙂
Ei, este foi um excelente artigo. Existe alguma maneira de me colocar em contato com a Cam por e-mail? Nós conseguimos um produto, a seguir a moda101 que é realmente de alta qualidade e mesmo que não seja forex, ele ainda é um produto de investimento e talvez ele esteja interessado em uma joint venture conosco. Deixe-me saber, eu realmente aprecio isso! obrigado!
Eu não gostaria de publicar seu e-mail publicamente, mas existe um formulário de contato em alguns de seus sites que foram mencionados 🙂
Obrigado pelo estudo de caso / entrevista Glen, I & # 8217; vou verificar o WPReviewEngine para um projeto em que estou trabalhando. Eu sempre obtive excelentes informações do seu blog.
Agora, a carga desse dinheiro é 🙂
O blog ou o site do nicho de financiamento sempre tendem a ganhar mais dinheiro, mesmo com menos tráfego do que qualquer outro nicho.
Embora eu não goste de Forex nem me interessa, o conteúdo da entrevista foi de primeira qualidade.
É incrível que existam literalmente centenas de pessoas saindo do nada com essas histórias de sucesso.
Fiquei morto, quase não sabia como verificar meu e-mail e então tive essa ideia & # 8230; & # 8221;
Dois anos depois, eles são os melhores líderes de marketing!
Realmente encorajador, acho que voltarei ao quadrado com o treinamento em nuvem.
Você também tem um treinamento remunerado?
Desde já, obrigado! 😉
Ei cara, obrigado por me apontar para abrir escritório para criar arquivos pdf com links de trabalho.
Desculpe por publicar esta mensagem aqui, eu leio sobre o Open Office em uma de suas postagens. Eu só quero dizer muitos, muito obrigado.
Re: sites de nicho e # 8212; Você geralmente aconselha as pessoas a construir uma tonelada de mini sites e ver como eles naturalmente classificam e recebem tráfego antes de construí-los,
ou você apenas obtém uma boa palavra-chave com um bom produto, um tráfego decente / baixa concorrência e simplesmente decidir dominar a concorrência com muito conteúdo e qualidade?
Não tenho ideia de como eu não encontrei este lugar até agora ..
Meu irmão está limpando no nicho de Forex. Acabei de iniciar meu próprio mini-site para ver o que acontece. Obrigado Glenn por chamar isso.
Eu tentei o nicho de forex de volta no dia, mas não foi paciente o suficiente para vê-lo e nunca tive o capital que eu senti que eu precisava para investir em uma conta Forex real. Naquele momento eu lembro que eu precisava de um mínimo de 10k para ver qualquer dinheiro real da negociação Forex.
Great to see someone found success with it though 🙂
Loved the article. I like hearing about success on the internet. Looking forward to some success of my own one day.
I’m going to setup a couple of my Forex domains for forex review sites.
My intention is to still sell most of my forex domains. But even with the competition in this forex review niche there is still room for a great quality forex review site.
With the plugin and discount i’ll make it happen.
Yes there is a lot of Forex junk in the currency trading industry. Its just a matter of looking at the other Forex websites and not making their mistakes.
I really enjoyed this article and always appreciate the effort and length of time you put into your work. You make everything worthwhile for your readers and it’s nice to see someone providing unique and creative content. There’s too much of the same rehashed information on the internet and you do a great job, Glen! This article continues to give me the confidence that I will have a successful online business one day.
I’ve been in this niche for many years and all I can say is that the difficulty to make money is getting tougher every week. The methods used on this site should be considered for sure, but in other niches. Unless you have a solid site that is aged in the Forex niche, you may want to rethink your options.
Great Interview and I’m glad I came across it. Keep these case studies coming.
Fantastic article, Glen. I love how thorough and insightful all of your posts are. Just top drawer, all the way. I’m hooked.
Wow Glenn this is a fantastic article.. I think about start a mini niche site in the forex niche, but its so crowdy.. Thanks for the great inspiration.. 🙂
It’s interesting how you said you started out with Adsense at first and then switched over to affiliate ads. I think adsense is great for those just starting out because all it takes is a click to see some instant cash. However, once you get better at SEO you can see a lot more ROI if you can make affiliate sales. And of course if you can sell your own product it can be the most rewarding financially and personally.
Brilliant article Glen! If there where more people like you in the world then wouldn’t everything be so much easier? You have inspired me to get off my backside and get moving. Thanks for the information.
You are giving a really awesome info, Glen!
It just goes to show that often the simplest ideas are the most brilliant. But it also goes to show that a brilliant idea needs a lot of work and a lot of strategising to turn it into a profitable business. I love this post. Thanks, Glen.
Thank you very much ViperChill,
you are right, Forex niche is best option to earn hundreds or thousands on the web. my friend also earning some money from this niche and i am planning to enter it.
Thanks Glen! Really insightful and motivating interview.
Glen, link to Forex Deal Day is dead now cause domain has expired.
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Getting Content Ideas for the Forex Niche by Analyzing the Backlinks.
Forex is the trading of worldwide currencies, using a highly leveraged model, which means you can make a lot of money from a little and you can also lose a lot of money and in a lot of cases you can lose it all.
Forex is highly attractive with affiliate marketers due to the ease that people can sign up to the programs and the high pay out of commissions.
It also appeals because the currency markets trade 24 hours, Monday to Friday, so there is always a chance to make/lose money.
I look at three popular Forex blogs and analyse some of their top linked to content to see what makes them successful.
Earnforex has 2 content types which are getting good links as we can see from the top 20 linked to pages, which are calculators and e-books.
198 links + 93 links from a position size calculator = a haul of 291 links.
Earnforex calculator, a simple design which is clear and easy to use.
Earnforex also have a position size calculator in the same simple, straight forward design. Straight forward design is very important as you don’t want people to be thinking about how to work the tool, you just want them to use it, get satisfaction and then link to it.
E-books in the Forex market have been a staple for link builders for many years. Due to the way the fact that forex trading attracts those who try to get an edge by learning additional technique, any piece of information that is able to give the trader the slightest edge against the market is deemed of value.
Thus, e-books that are deemed as being tasty are highly linkable.
Mahfix have a tasty John Paulson infographic from the clever people over at Evokeseo who have some tasty, interactivity going down.
Infographics still have the ability to suck up lot of natural links from authority websites.
251 links + 6 = 257 links. Not a bad haul.
Interviews – An interview with Paul Rotter. Who is apparently is a legend amongst scalping traders. It’s an exclusive interview and so has some currency. & # 8211; Links = 26.
Interactive Game – A nifty app which lets you play at guessing the value of your Facebook friends. & # 8211; Links = 36.
Top 50 Forex Blogs to Follow in 2017. What I like about this content is its attention to the strong design component of the MahiX brand. & # 8211; Links = 27.
Forexcrunch seem to have done it a little different, being around for quite a few years, it seems to have earned its links simply by blogging about the news and the power of the owners ability to write magnetic blog posts, which consistently attract links.
I will not list all the links that have been attained by each blog post, as it’s consistently high for the top 20 links. The date of some of the content is a few years and over all that time the content has been earning at compound rate.
Some people balk at paying three figures for a blog post, but this is what good quality costs. Obviously the SEO community has been used to paying $5 a pop for word filler created in some smoked filled ashram on the outskirts of Bangalore. But the content idea that consistently builds links, the brand and helps build the tribe is deemed as more of an authority than one who isn’t.
Creating a list of the best blogs in a niche is a common piece of content which performs several tasks at once. It enables the website to announce it exists to the owner of the website it is linking to, or at least the person who notices the web traffic for those sites. It induces the act of reciprocity, which has been identified and described by Robert Cialdini, the Professor Emeritus of Psychology and Marketing at Arizona State University and author of the book, Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion.
It is rather crude if not done well, but if done in an elegant manner and backed up by a website that is the best thing since sliced bread, it can be very powerful.
You can easily find content ideas such as these by searching for “best blogs in (keyword)”, of “top blogs in (keyword)” Note how the content that works gives extra information and has an easy on the eye design.
It is not simply about throwing up a bunch of links.
It’s been known for some time that writing a book is a signifier of authority and knowledge, not only does it show you know what you are talking about, it allows you to go deeper into a subject and explore things in detail.
Although in some people’s minds the e-book has a bad reputation due to numerous people marketing low level, badly written e-books for the aim of generating quick cash. But with social media a potential reader can quickly check if the e-book is worth reading through social proof.
In sectors such as web design, programing or Forex, the e-book is a perfect medium for people to consume dense and detailed information. A Forex service can also use the e-book as training materials which help position the service in a helpful way.
Useful information is needed in sectors where there are specific issues with getting to grips with complex issues. The way the e-book is designed is of course very important as it needs to appear attractive to the reader.
Blogging about the news, or what is topical within the niche is often overlooked in articles about blogging. This is because it’s hard and if you are selling a course on blogging or your blog about blogging wishes to attract large amounts of people, then the crowd is attracted more if you claim it’s all easy peasy.
Writing, or blogging the news in an authoritative and interesting manner is hard if you don’t know your subject. Or expensive if you have to hire someone to do it for it in an accurate, expert, consistent way.
A forex blogger who can do this is sitting on a pile of gold, because people need accurate, up to date, verified information quickly and without having to worry about the efficacy of it.
We couldn’t cover all the content techniques that were used in this blog post as there is just too much and if you go deeper into these sites you will notice other content techniques being used.
This isn’t magic bean stuff, it’s not a dark art. It is there for all to see. You can easily analyse why a website or a blog works, add your own spin and then replicate it for your own site. You can’t do everything, but you could do one thing very well.
A great blog will do a few things very well, as demonstrated by the above analysis.
Hi Lyndon Antcliff,
We plan to share every day or weekly something unique and interesting with our audience. In this case, to get stunning post ideas for every day bloggers are really hard. Here you shared some great tips to find content ideas. I think we can try these with other niche also.
mad stoc crossed cci and per r upper range volume days good money flow excellent price volume trend good.
I believe, fundamentally, that blackberry is undervalued at its current share price and this is why. Initially that had a hard time keeping up with the competition, and lets face it the Z10 and the Playbook were both major flops. But a business can, and should use its failures to its advantage, and use it to tweak their business model which is what BB seems to be .
Reader Q&A: What Are The Most Profitable Niches For Affiliate Marketing?
I received an email from a reader named John asking a fairly common question.
So instead of just replying to him personally (which I did as well) I've decided to write the answer up as a post so anyone reading can benefit.
John asked "What Are The Most Profitable Niches For Affiliate Marketing?"
It's one of those questions that is kind of tricky to answer as almost any niche that has a lot of buyers and affiliate products to sell can be insanely profitable if done correctly.
However we will look at 3 different 'niche types' in this post which are VERY profitable for affiliate marketing purposes.
Here's What You'll Learn:
The 3 main evergreen markets that are always profitable so you never waste your time on unprofitable affiliate niches. Why passion and hobby based niches make such great niches. High payout niches that pay you up to $5,000 commission and have low refund rates. Why promoting high end offers is no more hard work than promoting a $7 ebook and yet brings in much more profit.
(P. S. If you'd like to download a free list of 101 expensive affiliate niches click here or the image below)
Get Laid, Paid & Live Forever?
If you're ever wondering if a niche that's not listed here is profitable just ask yourself this question.
"Is this niche about someone getting laid, paid or trying to live forever?"
O que eu quero dizer com isso?
Basically, the most lucrative markets that are evergreen and always profitable are ones involving dating / romance / relationships (laid), wealth / money / jobs / finance (paid) or health / fitness / illness (living forever).
Because that's something that EVERY ONE on the planet wants, including you and me.
So if it falls into the laid, paid or live forever category you can bet it's profitable.
1. The Big and Always Profitable Evergreen Markets: Health, Wealth and Romance.
These markets are evergreen and profitable and forever will be.
The health market includes niches such as diets and weight loss, embarrassing problems , quit smoking and medical issues to name but a few.
EuroMonitor report that the health and wellness industry will be worth $1 trillion globally in 2017.
We found out the Nootropics industry (smart drugs for brain function) was worth over $1 trillion too.
Meaning there's a lot of money around for the taking, if you're willing to help these people get fit and healthy.
Or keep scrolling for more health niches.
The Paleo Diet was one of the first niches we analyzed.
Health Niches.
The niches in health never slow down as people are always looking for the next best thing for fat loss, health improvement and much more.
Here are some more examples.
And there are some good reasons to get involved with the health niche as you'll see below.
Another very popular niche report.
Health Affiliate Programs.
Silver Blade Brands (Male Enhancers): 40% commissions with lifetime cookies. Bodybuilding (Bodybuilding Supplements): 15% commissions with 9 day cookies. Nutracash (Supplements and male enhancers): Commissions range based on products and sales.
Reasons To Get Involved In Health Niches.
Products and information can cost up to hundreds of dollars and some even cost thousands and up (think treadmills and machines). This is a market that has many niches with passionate people who put health first so you can expect big spenders. Many health niches are ongoing, so that means repeat purchases are going to be made.
Now let's look at the MONEY niches.
Wealth Niches.
Wealth covers internet marketing, Forex, gambling, lottery, jobs and employment, affiliate marketing, multi level marketing, business opportunities and more.
The online business industry in the UK alone is worth £100bn according to The Guardian, that's twice as large as the hotel and restaurant industry.
And the Forex industry trades over $5.1 trillion per day according to Wiki.
Are you beginning to see how lucrative some of these can be?
Look at these niche ideas.
There are lots of good reasons to get into these niches which I'll cover in just a second.
This Amazon FBA niche report was popular.
Wealth Affiliate Programs.
B Passive Income (50% commissions) Excellerate Associates (20% commissions) BitBond (50% commissions, 90-day cookies)
And the romance niches are also a good choice which we're about to uncover below.
Reasons To Get Involved In Wealth Niches.
Many wealth niches require people to spend money and products / information can range anywhere from a couple bucks to hundreds and even thousands of dollars. People are always looking for ways to make money so they will not stop looking, which means ongoing success for you as a marketer. Many of the wealth niches are expensive and need ongoing purchases as people can be obsessed with getting the most up to date and complete information.
And the romance niches are also a good choice which we're about to uncover below.
Romance Niches.
Romance obviously refers to online dating, attracting members of the opposite sex, pick up, finding a husband / wife, getting your ex back and many more.
StasticsBrain reports that 49,250,00 people in the USA alone have tried online dating, showing the huge demand.
Marriage Counselling costs up yo $200 an hour on average according to SelfGrowth, which shows just how lucrative it is.
And Neil Strauss sold 2,5 million copies of his "pick up artist" book The Game and he's just one of thousands of well known "pick up artists" and writers on the subject.
Does this show you how popular and lucrative these niches can be?
Just take some of these other niches for example.
And you know what, there are good reasons below to be in these niches.
This was a niche I was surprised to find out about, Senior Dating.
Romance Affiliate Programs.
Affiliate2day (25% commissions, $8 per lead offer) David Wygant Dating Coach (50% commissions with recurring income on products) Cupid (135$ per order)
Reasons To Get Involved In romance Niches.
People are passionate about finding a companion so they are willing to spend constantly to learn the skills required. Dating is evergreen and is of interest to picking a demographic and marketing to them is all that's left for you to do. Plenty of other websites in this market so limitless connections to influencers and traffic for you.
Then check out these niches.
2. Hobby and Activities That People Spend Loads of Money In.
Hobbies and activities are also stupidly profitable if you target the ones where the customers have a lot of money to spend on their passion.
When something makes someone feel happy or gives them pleasure they will spend money on it over and over again.
Hobbies, sports, travel and other activities fit into this category perfectly.
Think of expensive activities like golf, sailing, fishing, travel, hunting.
And expensive holidays and travel like cruises, safaris, round the world trip.
Some interesting statistics for you.
And $22.9+ billion a year is spent on hunting according to HuntingBusinessMarketing.
People are forever buying new equipment, tools and gear for their passions.
They need accessories, they are willing to pay for training and guides or things that promise to make them even better at their activity of choice.
They will spend, spend, spend if it makes them feel good and happy.
Endless sub-niches to be explored and no shortage of both digital and physical products available to promote as an affiliate.
Which is why hobby and activities are crazily profitable.
Do you see the potential for you to get involved?
Then keep reading for more ideas.
It might surprise you but the Woodworking niche is VERY profitable.
Examples Of Hobby Niches.
Hobby Affiliate Programs.
Levenhuk (Telescopes, 20% commissions) MakerBot (3D Printing, 8% commissions) Cabela's Sporting and Hunting (3% commissions)
Need proof that some of these weirder hobby niches like Woodwork, Survival and Steampunk are profitable too?
Teds Woodworking (Monthly Woodworking Plans) has consistently been one of the top selling products on Clickbank for years.
Stats from CBEngine showing how popular this product is.
And there's 347 products on Clickbank in the Survival niche alone.
There's endless products in the Survival Niche.
Showing there's a HIGH demand for products in the niche.
And just look at how many products the niche has on Amazon.
Yep, that's over 200,000 products just on Amazon for this weird niche.
And there are more lucrative niches covered below.
3. High Paying Affiliate Products and Services That Pay Up To $5,000.
This includes pay day (and most other type of) loans, private jet charter, yacht rental, online casinos, luxury goods such as watches, handbags and jewelry, travel, home design blueprints and an almost endless list of others.
It takes just as much time and effort to promote a $7 eBook as it does a luxury yacht program or private jet charter that pays hundreds to thousands of dollars in commission per sale.
And you don't need to make many sales to make a serious profit.
The refund rate on high end products is much lower than on $7 eBooks too.
People don't make rash decisions when spending thousands so if they buy something they usually plan to see the purchase through.
People who buy high end goods don't have money problems so they've no problem spending their cash on luxuries.
Consider watches and jewelry.
If you could sell to just 0.1% of that audience, how would that be?
Or payday loans.
That's just in the UK alone and doesn't factor in the USA or Global costs, it will be even higher.
With products like pay day loans there's no shortage of people needing money and those who borrow once are likely to do so again.
If you're bad with money you're likely forever bad with money.
People who are bad with money tend to forever be bad with money so they always need help.
Are you seeing the potential here to help them and make money for yourself?
And remember, as we discussed earlier.
Gamblers rarely quit so they'll be back time and time again to hunt out the new 'lucky' casino and grab that new bonus.
And with many casinos paying affiliates a percentage of a players life time losses you continue to get paid month after month.
And look at this interesting niche.
With the home design blueprints (homeplans/ sell PDFs for $1,000+) you're targeting a luxury niche as only the seriously rich can afford to build a custom house from scratch.
If you'd prefer to follow money over passion then definitely pick a niche that fits into one of the criteria above.
All have endless customers, are high ticket, and are hugely lucrative.
High Paying Affiliate Programs.
Finishline Loans ($1000 per customer) Regal Assets (3% commissions) Colmex ($1000, 3% each deposit)
Example Niches.
Online Poker Luxury Jewelry Payday Loans Home Design Blueprints Luxury Watches.
Online Poker is lucrative.
Take Action And Pick Your Niche.
All of these major markets have near endless sub-niches to be explored and are definitely VERY profitable because people are desperate for solutions to their problems and willing to pay for them.
Most of the consumers are looking for a 'magic bullet' (or magic pill in the case of weight loss) and aren't really willing to put the effort into losing weight for example.
And still for those who are serious about trying not every product will be a good fit for them.
Meaning, either way, they'll try multiple products before finding the right one.
So they will buy products over and over again from you.
There's no end of affiliate products to promote both digital and physical either in many of these niches.
So definitely highly profitable as I'm sure you can see.
You could start a blog, create an affiliate site, start an email list or any number of other business models.
Before you go let's wrap things up below.
Selection of niche reports on the blog.
The big evergreen niches of health, wealth and romance will never be out of demand.
People ALWAYS have problems they want solved and rather than work hard at it they'd prefer to buy a product and hope it performs magic for them.
People will never give up things that make them happy so hobby and activities are always going to be around and there's always some new equipment or gear to buy that promises to make them better.
You'll forever have both rich people who have an endless amount of money to spend on high end goods and poor people who are constantly seeking money who turn to loan companies and gambling.
So whilst there's no 1 niche that is the 'most profitable' for affiliate marketing (or any other) purposes if you want to get involved in big money niches then pick one of these three niche types.
Just don't forget the most lucrative niches that are ALWAYS in demand are the ones that fall into the.
'Laid, paid and live forever' categories (relationships, money, health).
So if you're ever wondering whether a niche is profitable just ask yourself if your idea fits into any of those categories.
Chelsea also wrote a post here on how to find your niche's best selling products so the possibilities are really endless.
Hope that answers your question John. Here's to getting laid, paid and living forever!
(P. S. If you'd like to download a free list of 101 expensive affiliate niches click here or the image below)
Other Similar NicheHacks Content:
To date, Stuart has revealed well over 1,500 hot niches.
He’s living his dream of being location independent, and having traveled the world, thanks to internet marketing.
The aim with Niche Hacks is to help you live your dream thanks to online marketing, whatever that may be.
Comments (99)
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These ideas opened my mind. I am looking to try affiliate marketing for a long-time, but stuck on adsense. I am now looking to decide a niche for affiliate, I know how to SEO sites to rank high. I have a question; how do we decide the best niche/sub-niche based on competition? Because SEO is the only method I can rank my sites, and bring traffic, and if there is less competition on top, then only we can rank the sites. How do we know which site has less competition/good traffic? and could you suggest some niches which match this criterion?
muito obrigado.
Hey Gjaggi, thanks for commenting.
Well if you are confident you can rank sites and that is what you plan to do find low competition keywords with buyer intent and focus on them.
How do you find your keywords for your Adsense sites? Do the same process for these affiliate sites too.
I wouldn't recommend all your traffic just being from search engines though as they are unpredictable. Bring in traffic from more sources to diversify.
Muito obrigado! You've been an inspiration throughout. The way you wrote about TIWIB, and how they drive insane traffic from social media is mind blowing. I am amazed that even going viral on a social site like pinterest for one day can build our brand identity huge. Estou correcto? Now I need to get going with my first affiliate site, come up with a unique idea and learn how to drive traffic from each source. I feel Adsense is not so rewarding.
Btw, I mainly work on upcoming smartphones and rank on top to drive traffic from GOOGLE, And yes SEO is unpredictable sometimes, if not done in the right manner.
Hey thanks again and I hope I will have your full support while I go on a new online journey of affiliate marketing, changing the lives of people for better.
Hello again Guarav,
Yes sure if you go viral across the web or a certain platform it can cause your brand to be recognized in your niche overnight. As pointed out TIWIB went viral overnight thanks to someone posting about them on the first page of Reddit and it took off from there.
I used to do similar to what you do now around 2 years ago - use Google news to find about upcoming but unreleased products and rank sites or YT video reviews before launch then cash in when they were finally released with Amazon affiliate links.
I found it was getting harder and harder as Google changes their algorithm constantly so I moved onto other things.
Seems to me you can continue doing what you do but swap the adsense for affiliate links.
Thank you so much mate. I deeply appreciate your honest help and suggestions for your readers. There are very few people online who are generous and helpful like you. Keep the great work up!
I will kick myself harder and hope that one day I will reach there.
Hey I really like the whole concept of your website, your knowledge and may I ask, how you started and what all have you done step by step to get you here? Have you written a post on that like most other successful bloggers do>
Hey Guarav, thanks for letting me know you enjoy my work. I haven't written a post on that subject yet but there's more info on the about me page. The blog is only around 3 months old so not sure it's a success quite yet but it's going well.
Good post with information. I have SEO Knowledge. Now intend to jump affiliate marketing. Recently I attended a Affiliate Guru's workshop. Actually expert. He suggested "competition is not the matter. As a product has huge buyer, there will come huge seller/affiliate. So matter is how the product is selling"
Still you suggest to pick low competition niche?
I don't think I did suggest to pick a low competition niche.
I said the following niches were profitable.
1. The big profitable evergreen markets like health, wealth, and relationships.
2. Hobby and activity niches people spend lots of money in.
3. Niches with high product price tags and payouts.
In fact I am constantly telling people that the big niches with lots of competition are great niches to be in as there's tons of customers, demand, products , easy to find target audience and so on.
In low competition niches there is usually low competition for a reason - no demand!
Obrigado pela resposta. Hope to learn from you time to time with the concern.
Good stuff Niktar.
I like the way you don't sugar coat the realities surrounding the motivations (or lack thereof) of the buyers. It's not a put down of them on your part, just a very accurate description of human behavior. You tell the truth, and I appreciate that very much. Obrigado.
Glad you liked it Jake - thanks again for commenting.
Finding a good niche within the hobbies category is a great idea because even though I don’t have many hobbies of my own, there are a lot of hobbies I would have liked to have gotten involved in. So I can sort of experience the hobby vicariously through being an affiliate in that area, learning everything there is to learn about it and sharing that knowledge with others. And if it turns out to be not very lucrative as an affiliate niche, well, at least I will have learned a lot about the hobby! 🙂
Hey Prince, so which one will you get involved with Prince?
I am newbie and looking to start a niche. I do not have luxury to spend more money because I have debt.
Any help where do I start finding good profitable niche than I will have website and on on.
Hi Darmi, you WILL have to spend some money but it needn't be much. You need your own hosting, a domain, and an autoresponder at the very least.
This very website is packed full of profitable niche markets.
Hi Stuart, Thanks for all the great info here. I have a strategy that maybe you could be kind enough to advise upon?
Let's take your info regarding the Yoga niche - I am thinking of making a main Word Press page myself and then build individual pages using software mentioned on your blog called "speedxxx" (can't remember full name 555) These pages can be quickly constructed and easily linked to each other via contextual links. Obviously making sure each page-product are closely related plus the normal traffic generation techniques, do you think this is a viable way to build an authority site Stuart and also overcome this idea that some Amazon products sell whereas some don't?
Any advise would be much appreciated : )
Sounds like you're trying to mix together 2 totally different methods that don't really compliment each other.
It doesn't sound like an authority site to me - an authority site is a site which is one of the best, if not THE best, website in it's niche. A hub for people in that niche to find out everything and anything on the topic. High quality content, a team of writers, a site so good that everyone is talking about it and linking to it. Etc.
Thx for reply Stuart much appreciated. I'll go with an authority site, use long tail words initially, get traffic and hopefully build up site which will be found on various search terms. Any advise upon this and do you think wp sites load slowly?
WP can load slowly if too many plugins etc used but they are fine if you don't over do it and I wouldn't persoally work with any other platform. So easy and powerful.
This is a very good tips to start with once I have decide with my niche I will buy domain , webhosting service and auto responder. Do you know any one can help me with setting up website and SEO process to rank site to build traffic.
You can set up a website yourself, it's very easy, and all the information you need if you get stuck is free online.
Check out rankyaseoservices on youtube for seo and vids how to build a word press website.
thank you david.
I am currently on adsense and two other affiliates. This information is very helpful especially after revenue from adsense had drastically dropped.
Obrigado pelas dicas.
Please re-send the AFFILIATE MARKETERS TOOLBOX. This email was not received for some reason.
Have sent you an email with the link Rob.
Consegui! Thank you for your help, mate!
can u send me that link also?
I think for internet marketing owners who want to success online should follow the steps of the experts who have already success online.
In order to boost your online business, you should consider link building, SEO, participate in blogs and forums, write and submit your articles to ezines, make use of Facebook and other social media, and consider investing in paid advertisement to expose your site.
Hey Lawerence, yep following a proven business model and a tried and tested system flat out works. No point in trying to re-invent the wheel.
Hi Stuart; thanks for all the work you do - makes my life a lot easier! Just one point though; I`m running Avast Antivirus, and it gives me a big red no-no while your site is opening up - hope you don`t have malware or trojans or something!!
Hi Sa, glad I'm making your life easier. 😀
I run Avast myself and I don't get any problems opening it. I'd check your machine. My web host also runs a test every week to check if there's any spam / hack problems and it's all clear.
hi Stuart, thanks for the zippy comeback! yeah maybe there was something else trying to crap me out; had the same thing happen after I closed your site.
One of these days I will be able to attack some niches - right now my back is to the wall, trying to make some money with web design and local seo - got my first nibble and it looks like it may happen; thanks again for your effort!!
You can create a site based around most niches pretty cheaply John. Don't let that put you off. Good luck with your web design and SEO services though.
ha ha, I know! My problem is that "cheaply" in your world is not cheaply in my world.
Example: buy an expired domain for $9 (R110.00) 1$ hosting (R120.00 PA). Buy articles at say $5.00 each, need + - 20 (for web 2.0`s), $100= R1100.00, buy 5$ backlink packages from fiverr (for example), another R1100.00.
Etc, etc, so a really frustrating scenario - that is why I had to "find a job", or start a l`il bidness to make some dough to get going again.
Thanks for caring!!
John most of those things you mention aren't needed.
You don't need an expire domain to start a new site. Just buy a regular domain for $10 from NameCheap.
Cheap shared hosting with HostGator for $4.99 a month (or maybe even less)
Blog on a topic you know well and write the articles yourself. $5 articles are junk anyway.
Never point backlinks from Fiverr or any other source you buy for so cheap at your money site, you'll end up deindexed from Google not ranking.
You can be up and running for about $20 (domain and hosting) if you really wanted to be.
I think offering a service is a great way to make money and build up your bankroll however.
hi again Stuart; yep, whether I go your route or mine (expired domain + super cheap hosting,) I can get going after Friday; however that cost is only the beginning because the REAL work starts after that - the backlinking process.
My opinion (for what it`s worth) on this subject is as follows:
Some linking can be done for "free" - directories, comments, but "pillowing needs to be done. This is where web 2.0`s come in. They are free to set up but require some backlinking to them to add "weight".
Thereafter a PBN must be instituted and this is where the cost comes in.
On a brighter note for me I have a corporate karaoke gig happening 1st Aug and will make the dollar equivalent + - 270 so I will have a bit of "seed' money.
Also it looks like my first web design job is happening soon.
Still not sure what niche to go for because I will build only "Authority" sites; got my fingers burned with tiny niche sites, but looking into it - your ideas all solid, so thanks for that!!
You don't need backlinks to get traffic to a site. Google is not the only source of traffic.
You certainly don't want to be building forced links to your authority money site. Sure with small disposable niche sites it's OK as you expect to churn and burn or sell them on but with your main money site it's too risky.
Real authority sites can easily get traffic from blogs, forums, social media, video, email, content marketing etc.
And most of these things don't have to cost money.
See these resources.
Thank you for this website everything is very informative and really is a great help to people like myself who are new to affiliate marketing.
I have an issue and i wonder if you could give me a little advice 🙂
I have an email list of over 8 million clients from some of the worlds largest online gaming sites I won't start naming names. Ok but now i have all these what the hell do i do with them? I am thinking of putting a landing page together and run a promotion what do you think?
Desde já, obrigado.
Hey Harry, how did you acquire these email addresses?
If you're new to this I'm guessing they didn't opt in to receive emails from you nor did they give you permission to email. Did you buy or scrape them?
If that's the case you should delete them all and NOT email them. You don't have permission to it will just be pure spam and is illegal.
If I'm wrong then let me know how you got them and I will give further advice.
Thank you so much for the advice, the data i mention, I got from a friend where he got it from i don't know?
I wasn't aware it illegal to just email people! (god i know less than i thought i did) so they aren't of any use to me.
Back to the drawing board for me then!
I am finding it difficult to find a niche, I'm not looking to make thousands ill be honest if i can make just $10 online then I know if works and I would be happy.
I feel like i have a mountain to climb or maybe thats my issue I am over thinking things to much.
Thanks again for your advice its very much appreciated.
If you start sending unsolicited emails to people that is spam. Don't go down that route.
Plus if they've no idea what you are or why you are emailing very few will open or click and the ones that do will mark your email as spam and that could get you banned from your Internet provider.
What struggles are you having finding a niche?
Niche marketing boils down to 1 thing.
Find a problem. Offer a solution.
Pick something you know well (a hobby or interest for example) and if it's something other people also enjoy and spend money on then you've got a niche you can get involved with.
Now work out what problems people in that niche have. If it's golf for example maybe they struggle to drive the ball far off the tee or can't putt very well. What's the solution?
Yes many people over think things too much.
Of course making money online is possible. Why wouldn't it be?
It's like any other business. Not everyone can do it but some can make money from it. With online business it's much easier as the barriers to entry are low - low costs, all the information is available online for free, much can be outsourced for cheap etc.
Im very much a beginner in a Affiliate Marketing as im searching how to go about it step by step . Can u pls help me ?
To check the weight of my selected niche , what source do i use ? and once i fixed n finalized my Niche , how to go further?
Kindly need your advice.
Thanks n God Bless.
Hey Sonali. read this I am sure it will help tell you more about affiliate marketing.
And I responded to your email about evaluating your niche.
Yups I got your emails .. Its so helpful .. Thank you so much.. Following the advice ..
Need to know about some queries below :
Can you suggest :
1. a domain name reseller website who can provide with good n proper URL for cheaper or free minimum for 3 yes period ?
2. Excellent hosting & template for proposed blogsitrle or web site cheaper or free.
How much is the cost for shopping cart which connects to payment getaway ? Any cheaper but good suggestions pls.
You want someone to give you a domain for free for 3 years?
That of course isn't going to happen. Domains are usually around $10 for a year but if you search around you can no doubt find a discount or promo code.
Free hosting would be more of a hassle than it's worth. Hostgator do cheap monthly hosting for less than $5 but cheap hosting can be problematic and IME no longer worth it.
I don't know anything about shopping carts but you'll only need that if you plan to psychically sell goods and seeing as you appear to have a small budget that doesn't seem like it will be possible.
ive been thinking about this affiliate website thing for quite some time. those gurus make it sound so easy till i started researching reading up a bit here and there. all these things which needs to be done. blogging, pillowing, backlinking, wordpress, finding niches etc etc. the physically doing it on the pc, and finding content and pics and vids etc is whats stressing me out. at the moment im so confused !! haha i read that its best if you decide on a niche on which you have allot of knowledge, like a hobby etc. i dont have hobbies due to working away from home, and i build substations for a living. i cant think of a niche involving substations. are there videos somewhere which nicely shows exactly where to click what while building the website and doing the blogging, pillowing, backlinking etc? and honestly, with all the websites on the net allready, does new websites have a chance in 2017 to make some money?
Yes there's a lot to be done. Nothing worth having comes east and it IS hard work. If that's something that puts you off them internet marketing is not for you.
If you're willing to work hard, focus, put the time and effort in it can be very rewarding.
Yes it's easier to make money online now than it'#s ever been. So many opportunities. Just avoid the blatant scams and fake promises of being rich over night without any work and you'll be fine.
Everyone has interests whether they work away from home or not. What are yours? It doesn't need to be an activity as such but there must be things you like or are passionate about. Skills that you have etc?
Here are some resources you should read in order.
Many thanks for fixing your popup!!
I didn't change anything Johnno but OptinMonster had an update which aimed to make change so might have been that.
Thanks for your guidance.
I'm a complete newbie into AM and have no knowledge in this area but I have been looking into ways of sourcing residual income. AM being one.
I suppose this is my question, If you were back in my shoes (being completely new) where would you start and what would you do first?
I'd pick a niche I was passionate about and start a blog, monetize through affiliate marketing. It has the most chance of success IMO.
I don't know if you've heard of Anik Singal's Inbox BluePrint? Basically it's setting up a one page website where you get a prospect's email and you offer them something to buy after signing up.
Would you recommend this kind of business for newbies?
Hey, yeah I've heard of it but never bought it.
I googled his name and found a lot of bad press about him. Don't know if it's true or not but worth looking into if you're considering buyinh.
I don't think it's a good business model anymore. It's old and outdated and not effective IME.
If you land on a squeeze page and get asked for your email address then the person who you don't know and have no relationship with instantly tries to sell you something. what would you do?
I wouldn't buy and I doubt you would either.
People are so fed up with being forced to enter their email to get some free gift that's usually junk then bombarded with promo emails they don't even bother to put in real email addys half the time or they enter ones they never check.
Then never bother to open your emails after that or mark them as spam.
You need to build a relationship with someone BEFORE you ask them to opt in to your email list and definitely before you ask them to buy.
You can do that through a content rich website, paid product, blog or content funnel but not through a squeeze page.
Thanks for the quick reply!
I was thinking of going down that route but I guess I'll just go back to the drawing board. Back to blogging and article marketing for me then.
By article marketing do you mean submitting articles to places like EZine Articles etc?
How's that been working out for you? It doesn't seem like an effective traffic method to me in 2017 and beyond.
Or did you mean guest posting? That still works.
Hey Stuart! How's it going?
I think you have nailed it in this post. Health, wealth and relationships. THE most lucrative and evergreen niches out there. And my belief is if you enter these niches with a good intent and think of really making a difference to your users life by adding value, you can definitely make it big.
The hobby niches are good too but in my opinion it always helps if you have some prior knowledge of the hobbyu coz then you can add your own unique angle or story to the content.
Hey Nalin, yeah I agree with everything you've said and yeah in hobby niches it's easy for enthusiasts to spot if you're not the real deal so being involved helps a lot.
am new in the field and i seriously need your advice on which 1 to start first because i realy wanna grow fast in this business.
Where to start is a difficult question as it depends on you, your skills, your knowledge and what you want to do.
What sort of business model are you considering? Isto é, Blogging, product review sites, info-products etc?
Thanks, Stuart, for the great information that you have been so generous with sharing. I have found the information on niches invaluable.
Thanks Janet, what niches do you like so far?
hello Stuart, i must confess that you've been fantastic here with all your posts and i want to say here and now that I've learned a lot, but my problem is that i don't know the one to go for now, I'm confused i want to make my full time living online but i don't know were to start from. pls i need an online business model that will make money and last forever with a low start up budget. your advice is highly needed please.
Well you need to pick the business model that suits you as there's many - it could be blogging, ecommerce, kindle books, info product launches or whatever. Just stick with something tried and tested. No shiny new systems that are unproven.
Nearly all online businesses are low start up cost and can be done for a few hundred dollars.
What is going on with your 65 High Paying Affiliate Programs report? Your sales page says it is currently not for sale.
That's been offline for a while now as it needed updated but currently ALL my products are offline until I decide what I'm doing about the new EU Digital Tax Law.
Hi, what an informative website! Doce!
I have one affiliate website that I recently launched. SEO hasn't been done yet other than basic stuff. What I need is an expert to look at it and tell me whether I'm on track or need major changes. I don't know if you guys do that here or know of someone who does. (free or for a fee) The site is saveongolf . It's a site using datafeeds for golf equipment.
I'm also looking at creating another niche site but want to keep it a lot smaller. Something that people need but not one that has so many different products like the golf store.
But any suggestions on the above would be really appreciated. Muito obrigado.
I just stumbled on your site, Its a new year and I really want to start up something on the internet that I can make an income from. I've browsed through various topics but havent figured out yet where to start from. I've heard the term Affiliate Marketing but dont know how it works, then I've seen some of protifable niches you listed in '1781' . How can I affiliate with a niche that I know nothing about but its profitable?
Thanks, Lots of <3 from Ug.
Like anything you don't know about but want to - you go learn about it. Read up on it and learn as much as you can. Or alternatively work on something you DO know about.
Hi there.. thank you so much for the information you are giving to us especially to newbie in online marketing like me. I already have a niche in mind which i am passionate about. My query is how would i know if it would be a profitable niche for affiliate marketing? Obrigado.
Como você está. I've got just some questions.
I have enough information to start as an affilliate marketer for the first time, the only thing is that i want everything that I do be legal and no one or no company can sue me for the product that i sell or etc.
I'm living in australia, how can i make a legal website and make sure that i pay tax for whatever that i earn ?
is sending emails via facebook to many email addressess as an invitation for friend request on facebook considered as spam email? and illegal?
thank you in advance.
you have a great website.
Talk to a local accountant to make sure you pay your proper taxes. Anyone earning money online. No one here can give you tax advice.
Mass sending messages via FB will get you banned. This isn't how to promote your business.
You mentioned private jet charter as high paying niche but I am unable to find any active affiliate program. Looks like these programs discontinued. Alguma recomendação?
Hey Alex, sorry don't have any other than the ones talked about here and it's an old post so maybe out of date.
Can I do affiliate marketing only with article marketing.?
Not in this day in age. Article marketing is dead.
Hey Niche Hacks,
How do you go about finding luxury products to promote?
Do you have any certain websites you can refer me to that you use yourself to find good luxury products to promote?
No specific website that I know of but you can just think of luxury items (such as the ones mentioned in the post) and then search for them on Amazon or look on Google for specialized stores.
This is inspiring.
What is your take of affiliate marketing on technology blogs?
Uau! love your post here. Weight loss niche would also be a great one, don't you think? But apart from picking a niche, would love to hear more about your marketing strategy.
am glad to visit this page. Actually, you listed the best paying niches in the industry.
As per my hobby, I love writing about android games and phones. So, selling big phones like galaxy and I phones can fit in.
What do you think bro??
Finding a niche is one of the most difficult steps in an affiliate marketer’s journey. Now-a-day, we need to be realistic and address the problem that people take seriously. In modern era, women are very likely to follow a good page which offers great ideas to lose weight.
This kind of Niche is very famous because people are more concerned about their health these days. Everyone want to be fit and healthy. In social media and video streaming websites, many fitness trainers sharing their fitness training tutorials, tips, healthy dietary, etc. Eventually, thanks for exploring much interesting facts.
With best wishes,
I would appreciate your efforts that you do for your blog readers. I have the same question in mind about the profitable niche. But, I have realized that the topics that we are passionate would bring a lot of profit for us as we can write & research a lot about the subjects that are interested about. Do you agree with my views?
I agree that the health, wealth, and romance are the lucrative niche, but the one who would like to blog about should be familiar with these matters. Even though we have the option to hire the freelance writers to craft the valuable content, we would be missing the personal touch and can't present the post in a better way.
This is the reason that I have chosen the IM niche! Correct me if I'm wrong!
I definitely agree with #3. High Paying Affiliate Products and Services That Pay Up To $5,000, I love recession proof niches.
Great Info. Very informative indeed!
I am new to affiliate marketing. Isso é muito informativo. But the thing is high profitable niche has high competition. How can I compete with the Big Players of the market ?
Within all niches there are sub-niches or groups of people not being catered to all that well. Go niche, do something different or unique, be better, take a different approach to the masses. Endless options. The biggest competitive niches are the best as there's almost unlimited demand in them.
I was little bit confused about my selected niche. I read lots of articles about it. Today I bookmarked your site, I think it will help me in details.
Hey. Thanks for this wonderful Article. At first I was thinking that promoting expensive products will not be good. I even didn't think about the refunds. ☺. I like Wealth Niche. I focus on blogging. Do you think I can be able to monetize it in future? How can I grow this blog? I love what I am doing. Thanks again keep it up.
Hey. This is very interesting topics indeed. There are so much useful information from here.
I'm just new to affiliate marketing and i love the post on this website!
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Feeling a bit overwhelmed? It can be easy to drown in the deep blue ocean of the web as there's so much information available for us. But you don't need to go any further. We've done all the hard work and complied all the best stuff on each question you have about the affiliate program […]
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I don't know about you. But every time I have to come up with a list of keywords for content or SEO using only my brain, the results are pretty lame. For example, if I had to come up with keywords for say 'App Development'. I'd come up with some real obvious ones like 'get an App developed' […]
Everyone tells you that getting high authority whitehat backlinks is the only long-term and sustainable way to stay on top of Google search rankings. They’re right! A research by Moz shows that there’s a very direct relationship between quality backlinks and Google search rankings. The higher the quality of your backlinks, the higher your search […]
Would you like to to see an example of a VERY successful Amazon affiliate site so you can copy it? Well this WEIRD affiliate site is a GREAT example. As not only are they a SUPER affiliate but they do it in a very unusual way. Usually the secret to affiliate marketing is to pick […]
So you want to start a blog and make money, huh? Great idea. Just like starting NicheHacks was a great decision for me. Here's why: NicheHacks earns me a full time living, of over $150,000 a year at the time of writing, and has helped over 1 million visitors and counting. The income from my blog helps fund my […]
What if I told you don't have to Google anymore? You'd probably laugh at the idea and call me crazy. You better believe it as we've gone through the grunt work and collected the best articles and guides of internet marketing. Don't know where to start? We organized these guides into a logical order from […]
There's one thing every new website needs. traffic! Without it you have nothing. You can create all the best content in the world or have an amazing product and no one will ever see it. But for so many new website owners traffic is hard to find. So how DO you get traffic? In 'The Beginners Guide: How […]
If you could miss out all the learning and mistake making parts and skip straight to the money making parts you would, right? Eu também. Well here's the deal: I can't fast forward you to super affiliate status just yet However. I can show you what I've learned as an affiliate from making $90,680.75 in commission […]
Do you struggle to find profitable niche markets? Looking for a hot niche idea? Or maybe a business or "side hustle" idea? Then you'll love these 1799 profitable niches with their categories and sub-niches. Why 1799? Well, I was aiming for 1500 but surpassed it and thought I may as well post them all. Ther are […]
I received an email from a reader named John asking a fairly common question. So instead of just replying to him personally (which I did as well) I've decided to write the answer up as a post so anyone reading can benefit. John asked "What Are The Most Profitable Niches For Affiliate Marketing?" It's one […]
You probably won't stick here for long so let me come straight to the point. Most of your blog readers never read more than a quarter of your articles. In fact, many of them leave within the first 3 seconds of landing on your blog, never to return. That’s depressing, I know. After all, you […]
Join The Private FB Mastermind.
Profitable Niche Ideas.
If we can agree on one thing, it's that. We're not meant to eat the manufactured packaged foods that we're surrounded with these days. You see, millions of people know this. In fact, this market that we're about to uncover is predicted to be worth at least $300 million by 2018. This niche is the […]
What are you standing around for? Perhaps you're taking part in this 10 billion dollar niche that has millions of people pointing their arms to the sky. Instead of sitting around doing nothing like the Yoga niche we've previously uncovered, this $10 billion dollar niche focuses on strengthening and relaxing the muscles. This niche proves […]
If you think you can only make money online by teaching others how to make money online, this post is for you. There are people out there are making so much money in so many crazy niches and with the absolute weirdest of online business ideas that it’s unbelievable nobody even talks about them. At […]
You may be awake right now. Along with billions of other people in the world, and no that's not normal. In fact, this niche, insomnia, is a very large problem and there are literally millions of people continuously searching for help. Why not get involved? We'll be dissecting this $4 billion dollar niche apart and […]
You're looking for a "golden egg" of a niche. And you might have just found one. This niche is literally packed with golden eggs and all you have to do is take your sub-niche and dig deep to provide for this profitable niche. We'll be dissecting this $58 billion dollar niche apart and show you […]
Everyone gets a little paranoid. Yes even you, but that's normal. You may just want to protect your valuables or have proof of a crime if the unfortunate time ever comes. This billion dollar niche we'll uncover today is the surveillance niche and this is something 7.4 million people are spending on in the States […]
This is a niche that everyone has a little experience in. Whether you've been prescribed medicine for it or you adjusted your lifestyle to fix it, you've been warned of its ability to kill. We know how dangerous it can be but yet millions of people face this problem. It's high blood pressure. And it's […]
What's the hottest thing out there today? I'll give you a hint. It sometimes shines in your face and leaves a glaring burn if you let it. You might have guessed it already, the sun. It just may be the most profitable thing we've ever seen. What niche could we possibly dig into from the […]
Who doesn't like fresh, raw food? Seeing how mother nature can offer so much in its purest form, this type of diet we're about to uncover is in demand and is potentially something you could be involved in. The raw food diet niche is worth more than $30 million dollars and is expected to grow […]
These are the worst for the people in this niche. Some people consider them a "beauty" thing and others, like the ones in this niche, find them so ugly they will do anything to get rid of them. They are quite noticeable but removal can cost so much. If there was ever a niche to get […]
Affiliate Marketing Content.
Changes are coming and the question is. Are you ready for them? Here's what changes in the affiliate marketing industry we've seen in the past few years; The focus on mobile responsive websites over desktop with Google now ranking mobile responsive sites higher. The huge shift to high quality authority websites from the older smaller sites […]
If you think you can only make money online by teaching others how to make money online, this post is for you. There are people out there are making so much money in so many crazy niches and with the absolute weirdest of online business ideas that it’s unbelievable nobody even talks about them. At […]
Can I be blunt with you? Like most wannabe marketers you’re lazy, procrastinate on everything and take little action on the knowledge you already have. You believe in every myth that helps you make excuses and justify your inaction. But while you’re holding on to your false beliefs about affiliate and niche marketing, countless newbies […]
Looking to find your profitable niche but don't know where to start? Or maybe you're not even sure what a niche market really is? Perhaps you want to start an online business? Look I get it, it's a minefield at times with all the conflicting information out there. But I've got you covered. If you […]
I’ll be honest with you. Until I actually started making money online myself, I believed it was just a myth. A dream that’s just too good to be true. A big scam that lures people into wasting their hard earned money. But here I am, like thousands of others around the world, actually making a […]
What is it with affiliate product reviews? They're so good for your site. But they're just so damn hard to write. And, it's frustrating. Because they should be so straightforward, shouldn't they? You're just giving your thoughts on a product. But then your inner marketer climbs out of the woodwork. Should you say this? Deve [& hellip;]
A tweak to your website here. A tweak to your website there. And voila. . your income has just increased (in some cases by 1,800% as you'll see below) overnight. I mean, after all, you work hard enough on your niche sites. I think it's only fair that you're able to optimize them for what income […]
Feeling a bit overwhelmed? It can be easy to drown in the deep blue ocean of the web as there's so much information available for us. But you don't need to go any further. We've done all the hard work and complied all the best stuff on each question you have about the affiliate program […]
If you’re a member of the Nichehacks Mastermind you may have seen the huge confession I made to everyone. If not here it is for you again in full: And this commitment still stands. In fact, I’m going one step further. Let me explain… Every month you’re going to see my progress on […]
You can see all updates from the Niche Site Challenge here. In my last update you read about my catastrophic failure with my last niche site. But this month the phoenix is rising from the ashes. There’s a new site with a new angle. And it’s already making money. In this article I’m going to […]
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